.. _moduuid: uuid ==== This module provides UUID generating and parsing functions. I was adaped from `this module `_. Functions --------- .. js:function:: uuid.v1([options [, buffer [, offset]]]) Generate and return a RFC4122 v1 (timestamp-based) UUID. :param options: Optional object with uuid state to apply. Properties may include: - node - (Array) Node id as Array of 6 bytes (per 4.1.6). Default: Randomly generated ID. See note 1. - clockseq - (Number between 0 - 0x3fff) RFC clock sequence. Default: An internally maintained clockseq is used. - msecs - (Number | Date) Time in milliseconds since unix Epoch. Default: The current time is used. - nsecs - (Number between 0-9999) additional time, in 100-nanosecond units. Ignored if msecs is unspecified. Default: internal uuid counter is used, as per :param buffer: Array or buffer where UUID bytes are to be written. :param offset: Starting index in buffer at which to begin writing. :returns: The buffer, if specified, otherwise the string form of the UUID. .. note:: The randomly generated node id is only guaranteed to stay constant for the lifetime of the current JS runtime. .. js:function:: uuid.v4([options [, buffer [, offset]]]) Generate and return a RFC4122 v4 UUID. :param options: Optional object with uuid state to apply. Unused at the moment. :param buffer: Array or buffer where UUID bytes are to be written. :param offset: Starting index in buffer at which to begin writing. :returns: The buffer, if specified, otherwise the string form of the UUID. .. js:function:: uuid.parse(id[, buffer[, offset]]) .. js:function:: uuid.unparse(buffer[, offset]) Parse and unparse UUIDs. :param id: UUID(-like) string :param buffer: Array or buffer where UUID bytes are to be written. Default: A new Array or Buffer is used. :param offset: Starting index in buffer at which to begin writing. Default: 0.